» Becomes much more apparent in series 2

  • Becomes much more apparent in series 2

    This is in contrast to the book where he stays on for a couple more months, before he’s unanimously sacked. Secret Government Warehouse: Who would have thought something innocuously named the Department of Mysteries would have one of these? Shout Out: A shiny firework (lit by the resident pair of tricksters, no less) turning into a dragon which swoops down and chases someone, then safely blows up in the air, creating a flurry of colorful explosions? Now where have we seen this before? Silence Is Golden: Harry’s reaction to Sirius’s death is drowned out by the music, with special note going to Harry letting out a scream of anguish that was apparently too agonizing to put in the movie.

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    About thr author : jsierra


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